EVERETT — The Everett community is invited to join artist Stuart Nakamura for a community workshop for the COVID-19 art project on Tuesday, April 19 from 5 -7 p.m. at the Evergreen Branch Library (9512 Evergreen Way, Everett).
Participants will be asked to share and develop their thoughts and emotions felt during the pandemic. These will be used to inspire the artwork that will be installed at the Evergreen Branch library later this year.
The workshop will begin with a visual presentation, a discussion and a participatory element.
The event will be held indoors and masks will be optional.
Learn more or RSVP for the event at epls.org/signmeup.
Nakamura is a visual artist whose work can be found at public facilities around the state. His website has photos of his work. The website is www.snakamurastudio.wixsite.com/public-art-examples
The city is also working toward having a tribal Land Acknowledgement art piece.