SNOHOMISH — The city is proposing to allow multi-family housing on a portion of Homestead Park off of Ludwig Road. The site could be used to encourage affordable housing. Not all of the 10-acre park is needed, the city said in a announcement Thursday, Oct. 14.
The rezone is one of the applications for the city’s future 2022 Comprehensive Plan docket. A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 2.
The other application is from the owners of Kla-Ha-Ya Village plaza. They want to rezone part of the 1100 block of Avenue B to commercial. They want to remove three houses (1100,1102 and 1106 Ave. B) to enlarge the plaza.
This week, the City Council will consider 2021’s Comprehensive Plan changes. These include to upzone an 8-acre parcel at 2100 Weaver Road to multi-family zoning; and to eliminate the’s city’s Mixed-Use and Urban Horticulture zones entirely. Removing the mixed-use zone is because the city now has the Pilchuck District and upcoming Midtown District. A public hearing on these is Nov. 16.