Snohomish planning department goes paperless

SNOHOMISH —  City planners are beaming that the city has just gone paperless for all planning and permitting files.
The hub launched last week at
The website also lets people take a look at projects happening around their neighborhood.
A computer will be stationed at City Hall for people to look through building files. (The city hasn’t opened City Hall yet due to COVID-19.)
If somebody tries to file physical paperwork, they’ll be directed to the website portal to type in the documents. A user name and password log-in is required to file papers.
Going paperless will save time as the web portal’s software synchronizes with the city’s existing permitting system, said planner Brooke Eidem. Eidem, who’s been with the city planning department for more than 10 years, led bringing the portal to fruition.
People can also bring in USB drives to upload plans and there will be some paper scanning services for a fee, Eidem said.
Additionally, staff will not need to transcribe material into the system, planning director Glen Pickus said.
In related news, the planning department is looking to add a fifth staff member. This is in part because of increased planning activity levels and in part to ensure somebody in planning is available to assist with the website, according to a report Pickus gave the City Council.
Old files are not being digitized into the system, Eidem said. To access those, you may need to make a public records request.