SNOHOMISH COUNTY — The current need for online and remote learning has reduced the need for support staff in local school districts, which affects custodians, school bus drivers, and other classified staff in the Monroe, Snohomish and Everett school districts.
Snohomish School District had to reduce its budget by $1 million, forcing the reduction in classified staff. District spokeswoman Kristin Foley said by email some transportation employees and other classified positions have already been furloughed.
The total number of positions will not be available for a few weeks, Foley said last week.
The Everett School District reduced classified support staff as well, due to the lack of students on campuses. District spokeswoman Kathy Reeves said by email the district had to furlough some support staff but there have not been any lay-offs. She stated around 83 staff members had their full position furloughed, and others had a few hours furloughed.
Those furloughed include transportation workers, some food service staff, some custodians, elementary music program assistants and non-instructional paraeducators (for example, crossing guards and health room assistants).
Monroe’s district has also reduced its staff. District spokeswoman Tamara Krache said by email that the Monroe School District initiated furloughs among classified staff this month due to the distance learning environment. As of Sept. 10, there have been no lay-offs in support staff.
“This was not an easy decision, and we will reevaluate staffing if (or) when we move to a hybrid model of learning or begin onsite instruction for our most impacted students,” Krache said.