EVERETT — April’s special election won't be happening as all the entities with a measure on the ballot have withdrawn them.*
Monroe’s municipal parks bond is one measure that's been pulled.
The Everett School District already made the call to postpone its April construction bond measure when the order came. It’s looking to put it on the ballot later this year.
“We don’t know yet if we will be going for August or November – we just need to get through the current health crisis to figure out the best timing,” district spokeswoman Kathy Reeves said by email.
The deadlines to get on the ballot are May 8 for August’s ballot and Aug. 4 for November’s.
“The need to build more schools, enhance safety, improve STEM opportunities and add space for students remains. However, our top priority is the health of our community,” Reeves said.
Everett’s $317.4 million bond measure asked to replace three elementary schools, modernize buildings at each main high school and add 58 classrooms across eight other schools.
Washington’s Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, asked Gov. Jay Inslee to cancel April’s election because even though the state uses vote-by-mail, if the virus spread within a county’s elections department, it would leave no-one else to run local elections, Wyman pointed out in a letter to Inslee.
* - CORRECTION: This story initially reported that Gov. Jay Inslee canceled the April election. This is incorrect. The Tribune regrets the error.