Above: Students held a moment of reflection Tuesday, June 2 at Union Avenue and First Street during what was the fourth day of protests downtown. A protest at Avenue D and Second Street Monday, June 1 had more than 300 people attend. A vigil was held on Thurs-
day evening. On Friday, June 5, hundreds of peaceful protestors attended three rallies held downtown.
The protests are to stand for Black individuals, and to honor George Floyd, who was killed by a Minneapolis police officer.
Armed individuals maintained a nightly presence on First Street during the first half of last week, but their numbers went down as the week went on.
On Monday, June 1, after an official Snohomish For Equity peace protest concluded, a group of teen protestors went to First Street.
A flare-up between a few protestors and a few individuals acting as guards resulted in at least one protestor, a Snohomish High School senior, hospitalized with a concussion after a man punched him in the face.