EVERETT — The map to be used for the shakeup of City Council seats using elections by geographical districts is almost ready for final public comments.
The districting commission will take comments at five meetings in September: Sept. 10, 12, 13, 14 and 17. Watch the Tribune for more details.
The tentative districts map can be reviewed at www.tinyurl.com/EverettDistrictsMap, on page 15 of the document at that link.
District-based elections for five council seats will be in 2021. (Two of the council’s seven seats wouldn’t be decided by district elections.)
Voters will be allowed to only select candidates within their district. The districts are meant to hold about 20,000 residents each, with a broad representation of Everett for each district.
Under the proposed map, District 1 contains the Delta, Northwest and Riverside neighborhoods plus part of the Bayside Neighborhood.
A district that combines the Delta and Northwest neighborhoods — seen as polar opposites — generated the most comments recently, primarily from Delta residents.
District 2 has a mix of north and central Everett, with the southern half of Bayside, all of Lowell, Glacier View and Valley View, plus most of the Port Gardner and South Forest Park neighborhoods. Part of Pinehurst-Beverly Park is in this district, too.
District 3 contains much of west Everett, plus a small piece of the southern part of the South Forest Park neighborhood.
District 4 contains the Westmont and Holly neighborhoods along Casino Road, plus the western third of the Cascade View and Twin Creeks neighborhoods.
District 5 has the Silver Lake neighborhood, the southern half of Pinehurst-Beverly Park, and the eastern two-thirds of Cascade View and Twin Creeks.
The deadline to set the final district map is November. To send feedback, see www.everettwa.gov/districting