Hearing on Everett’s citywide zoning changes is Aug. 18

"ReThink Zoning" effort

EVERETT — For months now, planners have been working to consolidate and streamline the city’s zoning code that designates what types of buildings can go where in town.
Now, the effort called ReThink Zoning is almost ready for being implemented into law.
A public hearing is scheduled at the city’s planning commission for Tuesday, Aug. 18 at 6:30 p.m. as an online meeting because of COVID-19 restrictions.
To comment in advance of the hearing, you may send an email to planning@everettwa.gov or send it to City of Everett, Planning Department, 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 8-A, Everett, WA 98201.
The city’s webpage with more information, including maps of the changes, is www.everettwa.gov/rethink
The City Council will have the final say, and that likely will happen in October, interim city planning director David Stalheim said.
Changes to consolidate residential zoning types is in the plan, with renamed zones. Single-family will stay the same. The initial plans to consolidate “single-family zones and introduce new housing types into those zones has been put on hold. The City will likely continue that work with the Rethink Housing initiative later in 2020 and into 2021,” a summary report from planning staff says.
On building height: “For the most part, existing height requirements in the Zoning Code have not changed,” the summary report says.