HIKE OF THE MONTH: Sultan River CanyonA near, yet remote canyon boasts big trees and river

N SNOHOMISH COUNTY — This fairly new trail takes you deep into the Sultan River Canyon where towering old growth trees and steep slopes shade a remote section of the Sultan River. The hike starts on a gated dirt road near the entrance of the parking area. Walk this road through pleasant forest gradually climbing about 250 feet.
After one mile, come to the beginning of the actual trail which is clearly signed. Now begin your descent into the deep dark canyon. Via a good grade, the way switchbacks downward into the rugged canyon. The steep slopes here prevented past loggers from harvesting the canyon’s towering old trees.
You’ll pass some impressive ancient giants. You’ll pass some nice small seasonal cascades too.
At 2.2 miles reach the canyon’s lush bottom and the rippling Sultan River. During the summer months, sunlight reaches the canyon floor allowing you to prop on a riverside rock and enjoy a sunny spot along the river. Watch for dippers flitting in the cool waters. After enjoying this quiet and remote spot prepare for your return journey where a 600 foot climb out of the canyon waits for you.

Try out this hike
Location: Sultan Basin
Land Agency: Washington Department of Natural Resources
Roundtrip: 4.4 miles
Elevation gain: 850 feet
Contact: Snohomish County PUD
Notes: Register (no fee) at entrance to watershed. Dogs must be on leash.
Directions: From Everett follow U.S. 2 east to Sultan. Turn left onto Sultan Basin Road and follow for 13.2 miles to an information kiosk. Stop and sign-in acknowledging that you understand the rules and regulations for visiting the Sultan Basin which is Everett’s public water supply. Then bear left at a Y-intersection and continue 1.6 miles to parking area and trailhead.

 About the author

Craig Romano (www.CraigRomano.com) is an award-winning guidebook author. He has written more than 20 books on Northwest hiking destinations.
Check out his new book “Day Hiking Central Cascades” (Mountaineers Books) for detailed information on hikes along the U.S. 2 corridor.