SNOHOMISH — This year’s ballot measure to renew Fire District 4’s emergency medical services levy, in order to maintain its paramedic program, has a twist.
The current levy, passed in 2013 and initially in 2005, will expire at year’s end.
This vote will be different than the previous two EMS ballots. The fire district’s board hope that voters will agree with their wish to establish the levy as permanent.
The district receives 86 percent of its funding through the collection of property taxes and is currently collecting $0.34 per $1,000 of assessed property value for the EMS tax. The net amount collected by the fire district only covers 20 percent of the total annual budget.
Commissioners are asking for a levy lift, raising the collection rate to $0.50 per assessed valuation of property, in order to adequately support paramedic service.
For the owners of a $300,000 home, this measure would increase their assessment by almost $50: from $102 to $150 per year.
Fire district commission chair Mark Hintz believes the public appreciates the quality of service that the District provides.
“The District has been able to support this service for 12 years with the approval of the public,” Hintz said in a statement. “A permanent status will guarantee funding and provide the District the confidence to plan for the future.”
A permanent status does not require a vote of the public every six years.
By law, property taxes cannot be raised to greater than 1 percent per year without a vote of the public.
Fire Chief Ron Simmons says that revenue from this levy will be particularly focused toward staffing.
“The district has been extremely dependent on the availability of part-time staffing, and those people are leaving every department in large numbers. Costs for everything we use are increasing, but we must hire more people to keep up with the emergency response demands of the public,” Simmons said in a statement.
People who would like to meet with the chief or would like more information are encouraged to call 360-568-2141 during regular business hours.
The public is encouraged to attend meetings of the Board of Fire Commissioners. For schedules and information, visit