Snohomish road plans include Second St. roundabout

SNOHOMISH —  The city has laid out its planned transportation priorities for the next six years, including a roundabout at Second Street and Pine Avenue as well as better traffic controls along Bickford Avenue.
Intersection improvements at Bickford Avenue and 19th Place are planned to be completed in 2025. The intersection improvement will either be a roundabout or a traffic signal. A roundabout would be the preferred option if it could be so designed, city public works director Nova Heaton said by email. With either application, traffic flow is expected to improve.
The construction of a new traffic signal at Bickford Avenue and Weaver Road is scheduled to be completed in 2025. The design is 90% complete. Federal grant construction funds of $394,480 are expected to be available early in 2024.
Pine Avenue and Second Street are expected to have traffic signal improvements, with the design and construction of a roundabout planned for 2025.
“Typically, roundabouts improve traffic flow efficiency. Studies have shown them to allow 20% more traffic flow than a traditional signal system,” Heaton said by email.
Second Street and Avenue J intersection improvements are planned for 2026. This will channelize Second Street and Avenue J to eliminate northbound turning movements from First Street. Also, converting the small, most western section of First Street to a one-way eastbound.
“It won’t impact eastbound First Street traffic at all. The improvements will simply restrict westbound from First Street from the driveway entrance near 1801 First Street to the First and Second Street intersection, effectively making the short stretch of roadway a one-way (eastbound) for about 425 feet,” Heaton said.
The Interurban Trail and Centennial Trail improvements, planned for 2027, will allow for a transition between the two trails. The design and construction of the improvements will both improve the Interurban Trail, facilitate a crossing of Maple Avenue for trail users, and link the Centennial Trail to the Interurban Trail.
Maple Avenue and 10th Street intersection improvements are planned for 2028 to design and construct a mini roundabout. Maple Avenue and Pine Avenue intersection improvements are planned for 2028 to add ROW Acquisition, realignment, new curb, gutter, and sidewalk, ADA, and stormwater improvements.
Second Street and Avenue D are planned to have intersection improvements for safety issues due to the number of driveway access points in the vicinity in 2028. The project will upgrade traffic signals and implement access management strategies.