Open seat has Zimmerman, Flynn seeking Snohomish council

An open seat on council has Kari Zimmerman and David Flynn making their first runs for City Council as challengers for Council Position 5.
The seat is going open because Councilwoman Linda Redmon is running for mayor in a year that her council seat is up for election, and she cannot run for both.
Flynn is a commercial flooring/interior finish contractor. Zimmerman is a Realtor who has managed homeowners associations.
The Tribune asked both candidates five questions and is reprinting their answers.

What are the city’s largest priorities right now?

Maintaining our economic strength, housing and infrastructure to support our city’s growth. As our city grows we need to be working and supporting our economy and business community, recognizing their community support and need. Which will support our ability and desires to work towards affordable and needed housing, required infrastructure that is fitting for our city and its charm.

Zimmerman: I feel our largest priorities at the moment are increasing our housing stock, with a focus on smaller, more affordable units, protecting our greenspaces, and addressing our shortfalls in the areas of equity and diversity.

 For parks, what specific areas should the city devote more resources?

Safety, accessibility and integration of design art and culture. Being sure that our parks are safe, meet current codes and ADA/accessibility for all to enjoy. As well, incorporate more art, design and culture into our outdoor spaces for both beautification, culture and collaboration of interests and funds. This will increase resources, participation and continue to make Snohomish Beautiful.

Zimmerman: We are blessed in Snohomish with many beautiful parks for our citizens to enjoy. In looking to prioritize the allocation of resources, the City should focus on safety and clean-up at Ferguson Park and should be looking into ways to improve the health of Blackman’s Lake and Hill Park.

 What would be the best strategy to addressing homelessness in our town?

Education, communication and access to resources and organizations that are dedicated to preventing, ending and aiding homeless. Working with qualified programs, creating community awareness/outreach and opportunities to assist. This would be in collaboration with those (HAP) programs and our own community outreach officer/team, assisting our community and making resources available to those in need of assistance and support.

Zimmerman: Homelessness is an extremely complex and layered issue. In the short term, it means simply finding housing for unhoused folks — perhaps working with churches or other community organizations to do so. Truly solving the issue will only occur when we address it’s root causes such as mental illness, addiction, etc. I believe in funding and programs that speak specifically to those needs.

What is Snohomish lacking, and what steps would you take to try to change this?

Flynn: Snohomish is an amazing and wonderful town. I hope to see us as a town come together to celebrate, collaborate and participate together in all thing Snohomish. I hope to see better communication, planning and participation, community forums, opportunities for all to participate and have a voice in the continued building of our Beautiful Snohomish #beautifulsnohomish

Zimmerman: This depends on one’s perspective of “lacking.” Some of the things which are missing or nonexistent aren’t things we want in the first place — big box stores and high-rise buildings, for example.
Our community could benefit from education and programs around inclusivity, and we should be addressing the issue of parking around our commerce centers but “lack” is not typically a word that comes to mind when discussing Snohomish.

What is your No. 1 goal you hope to see for Snohomish’s near-term future through being on the City Council?

Having council collaborate and work hard as a team for the city and all of our neighbors and our great city. Creating community opportunities for communication, input and participation. As well, incorporate more art, design and culture into our city. Both to drive our economy and revenue, but, also to honor and value our heritage, community creativity and acceptance.

Zimmerman: My number one goal initially would be opening up a more direct and obvious line of communication with our community members. Whether that is through town-hall meetings or other means, effective leaders are ones who listen. We are a small town and the decisions made have a more direct impact on our neighbors so we need to work together to ensure harmony and positive forward motion.